About the Author

 I am 16 years old and my name is JC. I love to listen to music, write music, play music, and sing music. I attend Tallavana Christian School and this is apart of my class assignment. I have been in the liking of music since I was four. I started off singing in church at 3 years old, now I am the lead singer of the youth choir and one of the lead singers of the adult choir. By the time I was four, I learned how to play the drums. It was natural for me. I play the drums every service at church and I'm the main drummer. By the time I was six, I learned how to play the piano. I started taking Piano lessons, and now I play every once in a while. 


  1. Jaaziah's top 10 chart looks wonderful to me i like his theme color i also like how he set his background to match his them since im talking about his background its amazing how he did the background in put headphones in it because we are talking about a top 10 music chart. Another thing i like about his top 10 chart blog is how he everything looking nice and it looks amazing, his about the author is enjoyable how he talks about him starting to sing at 3 an being a lead singer and also taking piano lesson and being a main drummer.


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